How to Integrate Li-ion Batteries on Superyachts Safely: Upcoming Live Webinar
Li-ion batteries present unquestionable benefits: delivering cleaner power, extending range, and enhancing efficiency. Nevertheless, their inherent risks necessitate meticulous attention and proactive handling. The upcoming webinar, hosted by Seascope France in partnership with the Professional Yachting Association (PYA) , explores the art of mitigating risks and guaranteeing the safety of both crew and vessel.
Here are the reason to join the webinar:
• Invaluable expertise: Acquire essential insights from industry experts regarding cutting-edge fire containment and suppression solutions tailored for Li-ion batteries.
• Connecting safety protocols: Explore the intersection between Li-ion safety and the ISM Code, and uncover actionable approaches to seamlessly integrate these solutions into your Safety Management System (SMS) for optimal efficacy.
• Mitigating risks: Grasp the principles of systems thinking in the realm of Li-ion risk management, empowering you to preemptively tackle potential hazards and achieve operational tranquility.
With this webinar you will:
• Keep pace with industry standards: Stay abreast of regulatory compliance and industry-leading practices in Li-ion safety.
• Safeguard your crew and vessel: Arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively oversee Li-ion technology aboard your vessel.
• Address your queries: Participate in our live Q&A session to interact with our experts and receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique requirements.
Click here to sign up!
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